Thursday, August 31, 2017

My Dream Legacy


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Have you ever asked yourself about the legacy you want people to remember about you? That even you have a friend that you no longer saw for a long time yet it's easy for them to remember you because of something that could identify you. So what do you think is your legacy? Or let's ask - what is your dream legacy?

Way back 2015, I remember one of the sermons that I attended in CCF that talked about Legacy. It's about the life story of Job that made people remember him as someone who fully trust the Lord despite of all the trials he faced in life. At that very moment, I asked myself the question "what is the legacy I want to be remembered?". And it's kinda weird, coz as I asked myself that question it sounds like I'm about to leave this world and ready to be at peace ha ha. But  it turns out as a life reflection to me personally.

So, this is my dream legacy.

1.) I want to be remembered as a FOLLOWER/GOOD SERVANT OF GOD.

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As I became believer wayback 2013, I know that my life should run according to the will of the Lord. As I surrender to Him my life, everything in me has to change. The way I live my life, talk to people, respond to every situation and even my daily routine - changed. I know that I'm not as bad as the worst person who take a U-turn and got saved, but I know that there's so many things inside of me that changed because of Jesus. I am forever grateful for the love and grace that God has given me and because of that I will serve God with my life. Situations and Circumstances may seem hard, but I will still follow Him no matter what, and that people will come to remember Jesus in the way I live my life. I want to be remembered as someone who really love the Lord and a follower of Him all the days of my life.

2.) I want to be remembered as  FISHER OF MEN.

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To follow Jesus,  means to become a fisher of men (read: Matthew 4:19).  I know it sounds weird, but as a Christian and a follower of Jesus, He commanded me (us) to go and make disciple (Matthew 28:19-20). I want to bring more people part OR not part of my influence to come and accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. I honestly admit that it is not easy as it said, but this is what I should do and this is how I must live my life according to the will of God.  I'm so excited to see how many brother's and sisters I can help and point to Jesus. All I know is that,  this is what I need to do and God wants me to do.  To help bring more souls to His Kingdom, no matter how much persecution I may get in this life. I want to be a good Fisher(of)men for God's Kingdom.

3.) I want to be remembered as an OPTIMISTIC PERSON.

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One thing I love about myself is that I can handle my emotions and turn it into a positive perspective. This may be one of the learnings that I got since the day I became independent. I'm a positive kind of person, that even I'm hurt or pain inside, I can still show a happy and smiling face all throughout my face.  I don't think its faking myself and my emotions,  rather I consider it a good attitude towards my circumstances. This may not be possible without ofcourse the help of Jesus.  I changed a lot since I became a follower of Jesus. And trusting Him has a Big factor in my life.  Being an Optimistic kind of person is what I want people to remember about me, so that no matter what difficulties they are facing in life,  as they think of my happy face and trust in God,  they will also do the same - Positive all the time.

I hope and pray that sharing this dream of mine will help you too in setting up your goals and what you want your life to be in the future.

Thank you so much for reading.

Let me end this blog by saying - "Remember to "Rejoice in the LORD ALWAYS (Philippians 4:4) my dear.

Your Dear Diona ❤

Note: Forgive me for some incorrect grammar (trying hard lang - but there's always a place for improvement naman diba? hehe lovelots)

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Hi let me introduce myself.  Im Dionalyn,  people call me.   Diona . Pwede rin diona the explorer (sounds like di ba?). Shy type lang ...